Change Log

7.1.1 (2021/02/11)


  • Add method premium() to reflect the naming change in Reddit’s API.

  • Ability to submit image galleries with submit_gallery().

  • Ability to pass a gallery url to Reddit.submission().

  • Ability to specify modmail mute duration.

  • Add method invited() to get invited moderators of a subreddit.

  • Ability to submit text/self posts with inline media.

  • Add method award() and award() with the ability to specify type of award, anonymity, and message when awarding a submission or comment.

  • Ability to specify subreddits by name using the subreddits parameter in

  • Added Reddit.close() to close the requestor session.

  • Ability to use Reddit as an asynchronous context manager that automatically closes the requestor session on exit.


  • BoundedSet will now utilize a Last-Recently-Used (LRU) storing mechanism, which will change the order in which elements are removed from the set.

  • Improved submit_image() and submit_video() performance in slow network environments by removing a race condition when establishing a websocket connection.



  • An issue where leaving as a moderator fails if you are using token auth.

  • An issue where an incorrect error was being raised due to invalid submission urls.

  • A bug where if you call .parent() on a comment it clears its replies.

  • An issue where performing a deepcopy on an RedditBase object will fail.

  • Some cases where streams yield the same item multiple times. This cannot be prevented in every case.

  • An issue where streams could get stuck on a deleted item and never pull new items.

  • Fix subreddit style asset uploading.

7.1.0 (2020/07/16)

  • First official Async PRAW release!

7.1.0.pre1 (2020/07/16)

  • Initial Async PRAW pre release.

For changes in PRAW please see: PRAW Changelog