
class asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditFilters(subreddit: asyncpraw.models.Subreddit)

Provide functions to interact with the special Subreddit’s filters.

Members of this class should be utilized via Subreddit.filters. For example, to add a filter, run:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
await subreddit.filters.add("subreddit_name")
__init__(subreddit: asyncpraw.models.Subreddit)

Create a SubredditFilters instance.


subreddit – The special subreddit whose filters to work with.

As of this writing filters can only be used with the special subreddits all and mod.

await add(subreddit: Union[asyncpraw.models.Subreddit, str])

Add subreddit to the list of filtered subreddits.


subreddit – The subreddit to add to the filter list.

Items from subreddits added to the filtered list will no longer be included when obtaining listings for r/all.

Alternatively, you can filter a subreddit temporarily from a special listing in a manner like so:

await reddit.subreddit("all-redditdev-learnpython")

asyncprawcore.NotFound when calling on a non-special subreddit.

await remove(subreddit: Union[asyncpraw.models.Subreddit, str])

Remove subreddit from the list of filtered subreddits.


subreddit – The subreddit to remove from the filter list.


asyncprawcore.NotFound when calling on a non-special subreddit.