
class asyncpraw.models.reddit.emoji.Emoji(reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit, subreddit: asyncpraw.models.Subreddit, name: str, _data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

An individual Emoji object.

Typical Attributes

This table describes attributes that typically belong to objects of this class. Since attributes are dynamically provided (see Determine Available Attributes of an Object), there is not a guarantee that these attributes will always be present, nor is this list necessarily comprehensive.




Whether the emoji is restricted for mod use only.


The name of the emoji.


Whether the emoji may appear in post flair.


The URL of the emoji image.


Whether the emoji may appear in user flair.

__init__(reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit, subreddit: asyncpraw.models.Subreddit, name: str, _data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)

Construct an instance of the Emoji object.

await delete()

Delete an emoji from this subreddit by Emoji.

To delete "test" as an emoji on the subreddit "praw_test" try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("praw_test")
emoji = await subreddit.emoji.get_emoji("test")
await emoji.delete()
await load()

Re-fetches the object.

This is used to explicitly fetch or re-fetch the object from reddit. This method can be used on any RedditBase object.

await reddit_base_object.load()
classmethod parse(data: Dict[str, Any], reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit)Any

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.

  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.

await update(mod_flair_only: Optional[bool] = None, post_flair_allowed: Optional[bool] = None, user_flair_allowed: Optional[bool] = None)

Update the permissions of an emoji in this subreddit.

  • mod_flair_only – (boolean) Indicate whether the emoji is restricted to mod use only. Respects pre-existing settings if not provided.

  • post_flair_allowed – (boolean) Indicate whether the emoji may appear in post flair. Respects pre-existing settings if not provided.

  • user_flair_allowed – (boolean) Indicate whether the emoji may appear in user flair. Respects pre-existing settings if not provided.


In order to retain pre-existing values for those that are not explicitly passed, a network request is issued. To avoid that network request, explicitly provide all values.

To restrict the emoji test in subreddit wowemoji to mod use only, try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("wowemoji")
emoji = await subreddit.emoji.get_emoji("test")
await emoji.update(mod_flair_only=True)