
class asyncpraw.models.SubredditWidgets(subreddit)

Class to represent a subreddit’s widgets.

Create an instance like so:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("redditdev")
widgets = subreddit.widgets

Data will be lazy-loaded. By default, Async PRAW will not request progressively loading images from Reddit. To enable this, instantiate a SubredditWidgets object, then set the attribute progressive_images to True before performing any action that would result in a network request.

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("redditdev")
widgets = subreddit.widgets
widgets.progressive_images = True
async for widget in widgets.sidebar():
    # do something

Access a subreddit’s widgets with the following attributes:

print(await widgets.id_card())
print(await widgets.moderators_widget())
print([widget async for widget in widgets.sidebar()])
print([widget async for widget in widgets.topbar()])

The attribute id_card contains the subreddit’s ID card, which displays information like the number of subscribers.

The attribute moderators_widget contains the subreddit’s moderators widget, which lists the moderators of the subreddit.

The attribute sidebar contains a list of widgets which make up the sidebar of the subreddit.

The attribute topbar contains a list of widgets which make up the top bar of the subreddit.

To edit a subreddit’s widgets, use mod. For example:

await widgets.mod.add_text_area(
    "My title",
    "**bold text**",
    {"backgroundColor": "#FFFF66", "headerColor": "#3333EE"},

For more information, see SubredditWidgetsModeration.

To edit a particular widget, use .mod on the widget. For example:

async for widget in widgets.sidebar():
    await widget.mod.update(shortName="Exciting new name")

For more information, see WidgetModeration.

Currently available Widgets:


Initialize the class.


subreddit – The Subreddit the widgets belong to.

await id_card()

Get this subreddit’s IDCard widget.

await items()

Get this subreddit’s widgets as a dict from ID to widget.


Get an instance of SubredditWidgetsModeration.


Using any of the methods of SubredditWidgetsModeration will likely result in the data of this SubredditWidgets being outdated. To re-sync, call refresh().

await moderators_widget()

Get this subreddit’s ModeratorsWidget.

classmethod parse(data: Dict[str, Any], reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit)Any

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.

  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.

await refresh()

Refresh the subreddit’s widgets.

By default, Async PRAW will not request progressively loading images from Reddit. To enable this, set the attribute progressive_images to True prior to calling refresh().

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("redditdev")
widgets = subreddit.widgets
widgets.progressive_images = True
await widgets.refresh()
async for ... in sidebar()

Get a list of Widgets that make up the sidebar.

async for ... in topbar()

Get a list of Widgets that make up the top bar.