
class asyncpraw.models.RedditorList(reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit, _data: dict[str, Any])

A list of Redditor objects. Works just like a regular list.

__contains__(item: Any) bool

Test if item exists in the list.

__getitem__(index: int) Any

Return the item at position index in the list.

__init__(reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit, _data: dict[str, Any])

Initialize a BaseList instance.


reddit – An instance of Reddit.

__iter__() Iterator[Any]

Return an iterator to the list.

__len__() int

Return the number of items in the list.

classmethod parse(data: dict[str, Any], reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit) AsyncPRAWBase

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.

  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.