
class asyncpraw.models.UserSubreddit(reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit, *args, **kwargs)

A class for User Subreddits.

To obtain an instance of this class execute:

subreddit = (await

Typical Attributes


This table describes attributes that typically belong to objects of this class. Async PRAW dynamically provides the attributes that Reddit returns via the API. Since those attributes are subject to change on Reddit’s end, Async PRAW makes no effort to document any new/removed/changed attributes, other than to instruct you on how to discover what is available. As a result, this table of attributes may not be complete. See Determine Available Attributes of an Object for detailed information.

If you would like to add an attribute to this table, feel free to open a pull request.




Whether users can assign their own link flair.


Whether users can assign their own user flair.


Time the subreddit was created, represented in Unix Time.


Subreddit description, in Markdown.


Subreddit description, in HTML.


Name of the subreddit.


The URL of the subreddit icon image.


ID of the subreddit.


Fullname of the subreddit.


Whether the subreddit is NSFW.


Description of the subreddit, shown in searches and on the “You must be invited to visit this community” page (if applicable).


Whether the spoiler tag feature is enabled.


Count of subscribers. This will be 0 unless unless the authenticated user is a moderator.


Whether the authenticated user is banned.


Whether the authenticated user is a moderator.


Whether the authenticated user is subscribed.


Show deprecation notice for dict method __getitem__.

__init__(reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit, *args, **kwargs)

Initialize an UserSubreddit instance.


reddit – An instance of Reddit.


This class should not be initialized directly. Instead, obtain an instance via:

user = await

# or

redditor = await reddit.redditor("redditor_name")
banned() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditRelationship

Provide an instance of SubredditRelationship.

For example, to ban a user try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.banned.add("spez", ban_reason="...")

To list the banned users along with any notes, try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for ban in subreddit.banned():
    print(f"{ban}: {ban.note}")
collections() asyncpraw.models.reddit.collections.SubredditCollections

Provide an instance of SubredditCollections.

To see the permalinks of all Collections that belong to a subreddit, try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for collection in subreddit.collections:

To get a specific Collection by its UUID or permalink, use one of the following:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")

collection = subreddit.collections("some_uuid")
collection = subreddit.collections(
comments() CommentHelper

Provide an instance of CommentHelper.

For example, to output the author of the 25 most recent comments of r/test execute:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for comment in subreddit.comments(limit=25):
contributor() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.ContributorRelationship

Provide an instance of ContributorRelationship.

Contributors are also known as approved submitters.

To add a contributor try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.contributor.add("spez")
controversial(*, time_filter: str = 'all', **generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[Any]

Return a ListingGenerator for controversial items.


time_filter – Can be one of: "all", "day", "hour", "month", "week", or "year" (default: "all").


ValueError if time_filter is invalid.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

This method can be used like:


multireddit = await reddit.multireddit(redditor="samuraisam", name="programming")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
emoji() SubredditEmoji

Provide an instance of SubredditEmoji.

This attribute can be used to discover all emoji for a subreddit:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for emoji in subreddit.emoji:

A single emoji can be lazily retrieved via:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
emoji = await subreddit.emoji.get_emoji("emoji_name")


Attempting to access attributes of a nonexistent emoji will result in a ClientException.

filters() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditFilters

Provide an instance of SubredditFilters.

For example, to add a filter, run:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
await subreddit.filters.add("test")
flair() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditFlair

Provide an instance of SubredditFlair.

Use this attribute for interacting with a Subreddit’s flair. For example, to list all the flair for a subreddit which you have the flair moderator permission on try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for flair in subreddit.flair():

Flair templates can be interacted with through this attribute via:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for template in subreddit.flair.templates:
property fullname: str

Return the object’s fullname.

A fullname is an object’s kind mapping like t3 followed by an underscore and the object’s base36 ID, e.g., t1_c5s96e0.

gilded(**generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[Any]

Return a ListingGenerator for gilded items.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

For example, to get gilded items in r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for item in subreddit.gilded():
hot(**generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[Any]

Return a ListingGenerator for hot items.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

This method can be used like:


multireddit = await reddit.multireddit(redditor="samuraisam", name="programming")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
await load()

Re-fetches the object.

This is used to explicitly fetch or re-fetch the object from reddit. This method can be used on any RedditBase object.

await reddit_base_object.load()
await message(*, from_subreddit: asyncpraw.models.Subreddit | str | None = None, message: str, subject: str)

Send a message to a Redditor or a Subreddit’s moderators (modmail).

  • from_subreddit

    A Subreddit instance or string to send the message from. When provided, messages are sent from the subreddit rather than from the authenticated user.


    The authenticated user must be a moderator of the subreddit and have the mail moderator permission.

  • message – The message content.

  • subject – The subject of the message.

For example, to send a private message to u/spez, try:

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez", fetch=False)
await redditor.message(subject="TEST", message="test message from Async PRAW")

To send a message to u/spez from the moderators of r/test try:

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez", fetch=False)
await redditor.message(
    subject="TEST", message="test message from r/test", from_subreddit="test"

To send a message to the moderators of r/test, try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.message(subject="TEST", message="test PM from Async PRAW")
mod() asyncpraw.models.reddit.user_subreddit.UserSubredditModeration

Provide an instance of UserSubredditModeration.

For example, to update the authenticated user’s display name:

user = await
await user.subreddit.mod.update(title="New display name")
moderator() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.ModeratorRelationship

Provide an instance of ModeratorRelationship.

For example, to add a moderator try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.moderator.add("spez")

To list the moderators along with their permissions try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for moderator in subreddit.moderator:
    print(f"{moderator}: {moderator.mod_permissions}")
modmail() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.Modmail

Provide an instance of Modmail.

For example, to send a new modmail from r/test to u/spez with the subject "test" along with a message body of "hello":

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.modmail.create(subject="test", body="hello", recipient="spez")
muted() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditRelationship

Provide an instance of SubredditRelationship.

For example, muted users can be iterated through like so:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for mute in subreddit.muted():
    print("{mute}: {}")
new(**generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[Any]

Return a ListingGenerator for new items.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

This method can be used like:


multireddit = await reddit.multireddit(redditor="samuraisam", name="programming")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
classmethod parse(data: Dict[str, Any], reddit: asyncpraw.Reddit) Any

Return an instance of cls from data.

  • data – The structured data.

  • reddit – An instance of Reddit.

await post_requirements() Dict[str, str | int | bool]

Get the post requirements for a subreddit.


A dict with the various requirements.

The returned dict contains the following keys:

  • domain_blacklist

  • body_restriction_policy

  • domain_whitelist

  • title_regexes

  • body_blacklisted_strings

  • body_required_strings

  • title_text_min_length

  • is_flair_required

  • title_text_max_length

  • body_regexes

  • link_repost_age

  • body_text_min_length

  • link_restriction_policy

  • body_text_max_length

  • title_required_strings

  • title_blacklisted_strings

  • guidelines_text

  • guidelines_display_policy

For example, to fetch the post requirements for r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
post_requirements = await subreddit.post_requirements
quaran() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditQuarantine

Provide an instance of SubredditQuarantine.

This property is named quaran because quarantine is a subreddit attribute returned by Reddit to indicate whether or not a subreddit is quarantined.

To opt-in into a quarantined subreddit:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.quaran.opt_in()
await random() asyncpraw.models.Submission | None

Return a random Submission.

Returns None on subreddits that do not support the random feature. One example, at the time of writing, is r/wallpapers.

For example, to get a random submission off of r/AskReddit:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("AskReddit")
submission = await subreddit.random()
random_rising(**generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[asyncpraw.models.Submission]

Return a ListingGenerator for random rising submissions.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

For example, to get random rising submissions for r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for submission in subreddit.random_rising():
rising(**generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[asyncpraw.models.Submission]

Return a ListingGenerator for rising submissions.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

For example, to get rising submissions for r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for submission in subreddit.rising():
rules() SubredditRules

Provide an instance of SubredditRules.

Use this attribute for interacting with a Subreddit’s rules.

For example, to list all the rules for a subreddit:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for rule in subreddit.rules:

Moderators can also add rules to the subreddit. For example, to make a rule called "No spam" in r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.rules.mod.add(
    short_name="No spam", kind="all", description="Do not spam. Spam bad"
search(query: str, *, sort: str = 'relevance', syntax: str = 'lucene', time_filter: str = 'all', **generator_kwargs: Any) AsyncIterator[asyncpraw.models.Submission]

Return a ListingGenerator for items that match query.

  • query – The query string to search for.

  • sort – Can be one of: "relevance", "hot", "top", "new", or "comments". (default: "relevance").

  • syntax – Can be one of: "cloudsearch", "lucene", or "plain" (default: "lucene").

  • time_filter – Can be one of: "all", "day", "hour", "month", "week", or "year" (default: "all").

For more information on building a search query see:

For example, to search all subreddits for "praw" try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
async for submission in"praw"):
await sticky(*, number: int = 1) asyncpraw.models.Submission

Return a Submission object for a sticky of the subreddit.


number – Specify which sticky to return. 1 appears at the top (default: 1).


asyncprawcore.NotFound if the sticky does not exist.

For example, to get the stickied post on r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.sticky()
stream() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditStream

Provide an instance of SubredditStream.

Streams can be used to indefinitely retrieve new comments made to a subreddit, like:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for comment in

Additionally, new submissions can be retrieved via the stream. In the following example all submissions are fetched via the special r/all:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")
async for submission in
stylesheet() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditStylesheet

Provide an instance of SubredditStylesheet.

For example, to add the css data .test{color:blue} to the existing stylesheet:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
stylesheet = await subreddit.stylesheet()
stylesheet.stylesheet += ".test{color:blue}"
await subreddit.stylesheet.update(stylesheet.stylesheet)
await submit(title: str, *, collection_id: str | None = None, discussion_type: str | None = None, draft_id: str | None = None, flair_id: str | None = None, flair_text: str | None = None, inline_media: Dict[str, asyncpraw.models.InlineMedia] | None = None, nsfw: bool = False, resubmit: bool = True, selftext: str | None = None, send_replies: bool = True, spoiler: bool = False, url: str | None = None) asyncpraw.models.Submission

Add a submission to the Subreddit.

  • title – The title of the submission.

  • collection_id – The UUID of a Collection to add the newly-submitted post to.

  • discussion_type – Set to "CHAT" to enable live discussion instead of traditional comments (default: None).

  • draft_id – The ID of a draft to submit.

  • flair_id – The flair template to select (default: None).

  • flair_text – If the template’s flair_text_editable value is True, this value will set a custom text (default: None). flair_id is required when flair_text is provided.

  • inline_media – A dict of InlineMedia objects where the key is the placeholder name in selftext.

  • nsfw – Whether the submission should be marked NSFW (default: False).

  • resubmit – When False, an error will occur if the URL has already been submitted (default: True).

  • selftext – The Markdown formatted content for a text submission. Use an empty string, "", to make a title-only submission.

  • send_replies – When True, messages will be sent to the submission author when comments are made to the submission (default: True).

  • spoiler – Whether the submission should be marked as a spoiler (default: False).

  • url – The URL for a link submission.


A Submission object for the newly created submission.

Either selftext or url can be provided, but not both.

For example, to submit a URL to r/test do:

title = "Async PRAW documentation"
url = ""
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.submit(title, url=url)

For example, to submit a self post with inline media do:

from asyncpraw.models import InlineGif, InlineImage, InlineVideo

gif = InlineGif(path="path/to/image.gif", caption="optional caption")
image = InlineImage(path="path/to/image.jpg", caption="optional caption")
video = InlineVideo(path="path/to/video.mp4", caption="optional caption")
selftext = "Text with a gif {gif1} an image {image1} and a video {video1} inline"
media = {"gif1": gif, "image1": image, "video1": video}
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.submit("title", inline_media=media, selftext=selftext)


Inserted media will have a padding of \\n\\n automatically added. This is due to the weirdness with Reddit’s API. Using the example above the result selftext body will look like so:

Text with a gif

![gif](u1rchuphryq51 "optional caption")

an image

![img](srnr8tshryq51 "optional caption")

and video

![video](gmc7rvthryq51 "optional caption")



To submit a post to a subreddit with the "news" flair, you can get the flair id like this:

choices = [template async for template in subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable()]
template_id = next(x for x in choices if x["flair_text"] == "news")["flair_template_id"]
await subreddit.submit("title", flair_id=template_id, url="")

See also

Add an image gallery submission to the subreddit.

  • title – The title of the submission.

  • images – The images to post in dict with the following structure: {"image_path": "path", "caption": "caption", "outbound_url": "url"}, only image_path is required.

  • collection_id – The UUID of a Collection to add the newly-submitted post to.

  • discussion_type – Set to "CHAT" to enable live discussion instead of traditional comments (default: None).

  • flair_id – The flair template to select (default: None).

  • flair_text – If the template’s flair_text_editable value is True, this value will set a custom text (default: None). flair_id is required when flair_text is provided.

  • nsfw – Whether the submission should be marked NSFW (default: False).

  • send_replies – When True, messages will be sent to the submission author when comments are made to the submission (default: True).

  • spoiler – Whether the submission should be marked asa spoiler (default: False).


A Submission object for the newly created submission.


ClientException if image_path in images refers to a file that is not an image.

For example, to submit an image gallery to r/test do:

title = "My favorite pictures"
image = "/path/to/image.png"
image2 = "/path/to/image2.png"
image3 = "/path/to/image3.png"
images = [
    {"image_path": image},
        "image_path": image2,
        "caption": "Image caption 2",
        "image_path": image3,
        "caption": "Image caption 3",
        "outbound_url": "",
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.submit_gallery(title, images)

See also

await submit_image(title: str, image_path: str, *, collection_id: str | None = None, discussion_type: str | None = None, flair_id: str | None = None, flair_text: str | None = None, nsfw: bool = False, resubmit: bool = True, send_replies: bool = True, spoiler: bool = False, timeout: int = 10, without_websockets: bool = False)

Add an image submission to the subreddit.

  • collection_id – The UUID of a Collection to add the newly-submitted post to.

  • discussion_type – Set to "CHAT" to enable live discussion instead of traditional comments (default: None).

  • flair_id – The flair template to select (default: None).

  • flair_text – If the template’s flair_text_editable value is True, this value will set a custom text (default: None). flair_id is required when flair_text is provided.

  • image_path – The path to an image, to upload and post.

  • nsfw – Whether the submission should be marked NSFW (default: False).

  • resubmit – When False, an error will occur if the URL has already been submitted (default: True).

  • send_replies – When True, messages will be sent to the submission author when comments are made to the submission (default: True).

  • spoiler – Whether the submission should be marked as a spoiler (default: False).

  • timeout – Specifies a particular timeout, in seconds. Use to avoid “Websocket error” exceptions (default: 10).

  • title – The title of the submission.

  • without_websockets – Set to True to disable use of WebSockets (see note below for an explanation). If True, this method doesn’t return anything (default: False).


A Submission object for the newly created submission, unless without_websockets is True.


ClientException if image_path refers to a file that is not an image.


Reddit’s API uses WebSockets to respond with the link of the newly created post. If this fails, the method will raise WebSocketException. Occasionally, the Reddit post will still be created. More often, there is an error with the image file. If you frequently get exceptions but successfully created posts, try setting the timeout parameter to a value above 10.

To disable the use of WebSockets, set without_websockets=True. This will make the method return None, though the post will still be created. You may wish to do this if you are running your program in a restricted network environment, or using a proxy that doesn’t support WebSockets connections.

For example, to submit an image to r/test do:

title = "My favorite picture"
image = "/path/to/image.png"
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.submit_image(title, image)

See also

await submit_poll(title: str, *, collection_id: str | None = None, discussion_type: str | None = None, duration: int, flair_id: str | None = None, flair_text: str | None = None, nsfw: bool = False, options: List[str], resubmit: bool = True, selftext: str, send_replies: bool = True, spoiler: bool = False)

Add a poll submission to the subreddit.

  • title – The title of the submission.

  • collection_id – The UUID of a Collection to add the newly-submitted post to.

  • discussion_type – Set to "CHAT" to enable live discussion instead of traditional comments (default: None).

  • duration – The number of days the poll should accept votes, as an int. Valid values are between 1 and 7, inclusive.

  • flair_id – The flair template to select (default: None).

  • flair_text – If the template’s flair_text_editable value is True, this value will set a custom text (default: None). flair_id is required when flair_text is provided.

  • nsfw – Whether the submission should be marked NSFW (default: False).

  • options – A list of two to six poll options as str.

  • resubmit – When False, an error will occur if the URL has already been submitted (default: True).

  • selftext – The Markdown formatted content for the submission. Use an empty string, "", to make a submission with no text contents.

  • send_replies – When True, messages will be sent to the submission author when comments are made to the submission (default: True).

  • spoiler – Whether the submission should be marked as a spoiler (default: False).


A Submission object for the newly created submission.

For example, to submit a poll to r/test do:

title = "Do you like Async PRAW?"
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.submit_poll(title, selftext="", options=["Yes", "No"], duration=3)

See also

await submit_video(title: str, video_path: str, *, collection_id: str | None = None, discussion_type: str | None = None, flair_id: str | None = None, flair_text: str | None = None, nsfw: bool = False, resubmit: bool = True, send_replies: bool = True, spoiler: bool = False, thumbnail_path: str | None = None, timeout: int = 10, videogif: bool = False, without_websockets: bool = False)

Add a video or videogif submission to the subreddit.

  • title – The title of the submission.

  • video_path – The path to a video, to upload and post.

  • collection_id – The UUID of a Collection to add the newly-submitted post to.

  • discussion_type – Set to "CHAT" to enable live discussion instead of traditional comments (default: None).

  • flair_id – The flair template to select (default: None).

  • flair_text – If the template’s flair_text_editable value is True, this value will set a custom text (default: None). flair_id is required when flair_text is provided.

  • nsfw – Whether the submission should be marked NSFW (default: False).

  • resubmit – When False, an error will occur if the URL has already been submitted (default: True).

  • send_replies – When True, messages will be sent to the submission author when comments are made to the submission (default: True).

  • spoiler – Whether the submission should be marked as a spoiler (default: False).

  • thumbnail_path – The path to an image, to be uploaded and used as the thumbnail for this video. If not provided, the PRAW logo will be used as the thumbnail.

  • timeout – Specifies a particular timeout, in seconds. Use to avoid “Websocket error” exceptions (default: 10).

  • videogif – If True, the video is uploaded as a videogif, which is essentially a silent video (default: False).

  • without_websockets – Set to True to disable use of WebSockets (see note below for an explanation). If True, this method doesn’t return anything (default: False).


A Submission object for the newly created submission, unless without_websockets is True.


ClientException if video_path refers to a file that is not a video.


Reddit’s API uses WebSockets to respond with the link of the newly created post. If this fails, the method will raise WebSocketException. Occasionally, the Reddit post will still be created. More often, there is an error with the image file. If you frequently get exceptions but successfully created posts, try setting the timeout parameter to a value above 10.

To disable the use of WebSockets, set without_websockets=True. This will make the method return None, though the post will still be created. You may wish to do this if you are running your program in a restricted network environment, or using a proxy that doesn’t support WebSockets connections.

For example, to submit a video to r/test do:

title = "My favorite movie"
video = "/path/to/video.mp4"
subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.submit_video(title, video)

See also

await subscribe(*, other_subreddits: List[asyncpraw.models.Subreddit] | None = None)

Subscribe to the subreddit.


other_subreddits – When provided, also subscribe to the provided list of subreddits.

For example, to subscribe to r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.subscribe()
top(*, time_filter: str = 'all', **generator_kwargs: str | int | Dict[str, str]) AsyncIterator[Any]

Return a ListingGenerator for top items.


time_filter – Can be one of: "all", "day", "hour", "month", "week", or "year "``(default: ``"all").


ValueError if time_filter is invalid.

Additional keyword arguments are passed in the initialization of ListingGenerator.

This method can be used like:


multireddit = await reddit.multireddit(redditor="samuraisam", name="programming")"day")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")"month")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")"year")

redditor = await reddit.redditor("spez")"all")

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("all")"hour")
await traffic() Dict[str, List[List[int]]]

Return a dictionary of the Subreddit’s traffic statistics.


asyncprawcore.NotFound when the traffic stats aren’t available to the authenticated user, that is, they are not public and the authenticated user is not a moderator of the subreddit.

The traffic method returns a dict with three keys. The keys are day, hour and month. Each key contains a list of lists with 3 or 4 values. The first value is a timestamp indicating the start of the category (start of the day for the day key, start of the hour for the hour key, etc.). The second, third, and fourth values indicate the unique pageviews, total pageviews, and subscribers, respectively.


The hour key does not contain subscribers, and therefore each sub-list contains three values.

For example, to get the traffic stats for r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
stats = await subreddit.traffic()
await unsubscribe(*, other_subreddits: List[asyncpraw.models.Subreddit] | None = None)

Unsubscribe from the subreddit.


other_subreddits – When provided, also unsubscribe from the provided list of subreddits.

To unsubscribe from r/test:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
await subreddit.unsubscribe()
widgets() asyncpraw.models.SubredditWidgets

Provide an instance of SubredditWidgets.

Example usage

Get all sidebar widgets:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for widget in subreddit.widgets.sidebar:

Get ID card widget:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
widget = await subreddit.widgets.id_card()
wiki() asyncpraw.models.reddit.subreddit.SubredditWiki

Provide an instance of SubredditWiki.

This attribute can be used to discover all wikipages for a subreddit:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
async for wikipage in

To fetch the content for a given wikipage try:

subreddit = await reddit.subreddit("test")
wikipage = await"proof")